Dog of italian citizen to be killed in Denmark because of her breed. Italian Enpa: spare her life, we want to bring her back to Italy

Enpa, the italian association for the protection of animals, has launched an appeal to the danish Minister of Environment and Food, Esben Lunde Larsen, begging him to save the life of the dog named Iceberg, a female Dogo Argentino, held in a facility where it should be killed in the next days. Many popular italian artists (Noemi, Emma Marrone, Michele Bravi, Laura Pausini, Giorgia, J-Ax and others) have joined Enpa and danish Fair Dog in the battle to save Iceberg’s life and to bring her back in Italy. According to the danish dogs legislation, Iceberg belongs to one of the thirteen forbidden breeds and therefore she is not allowed to stay in the country and shall executed.

His owner, Giuseppe, a young italian man working in a restaurant in Copenhagen, is astonished and in anguish, also because he could have never exptected to find himself in such a painful situation when he decided to bring his beloved Iceberg to Denamrk. In fact, when he embarked Iceberg on a plane in Fiumicino Airport (Rome) on one raised any objetion nor informed him about the danish breed legislation. Neither did the danish custom authorities in Copenhagen’s airport. So, after underoing the routine custom controls foreseen for pets, Iceberg, whose passport and veterinary documents were in order, was allowed to enter the country. Even then no one gave Giuseppe any information concerning the breeds regarded as dangerous in Denmark.
For one month Giuseppe and Iceberg have lived happily, forming one family and making it true the dream of a better life in a country known all over Europe for its civilization and its tolerance. Then all of a sudden something unexpected happend: a quarrel, in a park, between Iceberg and another dog. Nothing too serious, is was just one of those canine “incomprehensions” that happen quite often and that end without any other consequence than a noisy bark. Unfortunately, a person, while trying to stop that quarrel, got hurt having a 3 millimitres scratch on the hand, as reported by the police. Yet, another person who saw that small dogfight complained to the police.
A few days later policemen went to Giuseppe’s house and seized the dog. This was the first time Giuseppe knew about the danish rules concerning dog breeds. On that day Iceberg was brought to a kennel and on that day started Giuseppe’s legal battle with the support of Fair Dog, a danish association committed to dog protection, and – in Italy – of Enpa. At the present Iceberg is still in the kennel waiting for a decision to be taken.
Giuseppe is now aware of danish legislation and wants to comply with it. This is why he wants to bring Iceberg back to Italy. This is why Enpa wrote to Danish Minister of Environment and Food, Esben Lunde Larsen; to the italian ambassador in Denmark and to the danish ambassador in Italy begging to release Iceberg. «Please, give Iceberg a chance, let us take it back to her home, in Italy», says Enpa.
