The Danish Parliament has voted and approved today the so called #FreeIceberg amendment. This means that the female Dogo Argentino named Iceberg, owned by the Italian citizen Giuseppe Perna who has been working in Copenhagen as a chef, will be released by the danish police and will return home, in Italy. At the present, the dog is detained in a kennel of Copenhagen by the police because it belongs to a race considered as dangerous by the danish breed legislation. According to the law Iceberg should have been killed but, thanks to the amendment approved today, its life has been spared once and for all. In fact the so called #FreeIceberg amendment enacts an exception to the general rule for those foreigners in good faith who may introduce “forbidden dogs” in Denmark. This allows the danish authorities to deport the dogs form the country instead of putting them to death.
«For Iceberg and its owner, Giuseppe Perna, this is a real “happy end” for which we thank the danish government, minister Esben Lunde Larsen, the danish Parliament and the danish embassy in Rome. We are grateful for their commitment to save Iceberg’s life. We thank danish Fair Dog who always assisted and supported Giuseppe and Iceberg. But we are grateful especially to Italian singer Noemi who was decisive to save Iceberg's life», says Enpa (Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali), the Italian organization for animal protection which, together with danish Fair Dog, has been fighting since June a tough political and diplomatic battle asking to spare the dog’s life and make it possible for it to return back to Italy.
«We don’t agree with breed specific legislations because we think that canine aggressiveness is not related to the race but is a matter concerning the way the dog is raised up and the relationship with its owner. However, today it’s time of celebrating an important victory of justice and it’s time of thanking those who committed themselves, in Denmark as well as in Italy».
The Italian organization for the protection of animals is willing to cooperate with the danish authorities in order to help transferring the dog back to Italy.